![logo](static/img/icon.svg) # Ficurinia A prickly blog theme for Hugo ![](images/tn.png) # [Demo](https://gabmus.org) [Code for the demo website](https://gitlab.com/gabmus/gabmus.gitlab.io) (really my personal website) # Customization ## Configuration These are some parameters you can use in your `config.toml` to customize Ficurinia: ```toml baseURL = "https://example.com/" theme = "hugo-ficurinia" title = "My nice blog" # this will be included in the footer after the current year the site is last # built, followed by the (c) symbol # you can use markdown inside this field copyright = "Some copyright notice - [my license](https://example.com/license)" paginate = 5 # number of articles per page in the index summaryLength = 70 # number of words for article summaries [params] author = "Gabriele Musco" logo = "/images/mylogo.png" favicon = "/images/myfavicon.png" showTags = true # show the Tags menu item; default true showRss = true # show the link for the RSS feed; default true imageInArticlePreview = false # show images in article preview; default false navtype = "standard" # changes the style of the pagination, available styles are: "standard", "circles" fontFamily = "JetBrains Mono" # changes the font, default "JetBrains Mono" monospaceFontFamily = "JetBrains Mono" # changes the monospace font for code, default "JetBrains Mono" contentWidth = "1000px" # maximum width of the site content, css syntax discreteCards = false # enable discrete card style; default false gridView = false # show post list as a grid. goes well with discreteCards highlightBgColor = "#34363b" # card and circle navigation background color for discrete card mode enableSearch = true # enable search page searchbarEverywhere = true # if the searchbar should be shown in every page; requires enableSearch searchMenuLink = false # add a search link to the navigation menu; requires enableSearch enableFeatured = false # enable a particular view for articles marked as featured (featured: true in the article frontmatter) # enable comments support with commento using the script from your server commento = "https://example.com/js/commento.js" # enable analytics using Plausible plausibleScriptUrl = "https://something.com/..." plausibleDomain = "example.com" # WARNING: deprecated! Use [[menu.icons]] instead, look below # links = [ # ["GitLab", "https://gitlab.com/gabmus"], # ["GNOME", "https://gitlab.gnome.org/gabmus"], # ["YouTube", "https://youtube.com/TechPillsNet"] # ] # you can customize all of the colors in this theme # the values shown are the defaults backgroundColor = "#242629" foregroundColor = "white" dimForegroundColor = "#bababa" strokeColor = "#4f4f4f" accentColor = "#db5793" # redirect to baseURL if current URL host doesn't match # useful if deploying in gitlab pages with custom domain and don't want # the username.gitlab.io/website url to persist # this requires you to set baseURL (see above) forceRedirect = false infiniteScrolling = false # activates infinite scrolling instead of regular pagination enableFooterColumns = false # activates footer columns, as described below # related articles will be selected randomly based on tags and shown at # the bottom of the article, after the comments enableRelatedArticles = false relatedArticlesNum = 2 # how many related articles to show randomRelated = false # sorts related articles in random order (randomized at built time) [menu] # these links will be added to the main navigation menu, sorted by weight # other elements in this menu are added automatically from the "pages" folder # the folder it will look into can be customized with the pages variable # in params above [[menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" url = "/about/" weight = 10 # these links (menu.icons) will be added as icon links below the main nav [[menu.icons]] identifier = "gitlab" name = "GitLab" url = "https://gitlab.com/gabmus" weight = 10 [[menu.icons]] identifier = "gnome" name = "GNOME GitLab" url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/gabmus" weight = 20 # this section is necessary if you want infinite scrolling # it allows to output the article list as paged JSON so that "pages" can be retrieved via javascript [outputs] home = ["HTML", "JSON"] ``` ### Supported icons For the `[[menu.icons]]` menu. They match identifier, name and url can be whatever. Here's a list of supported identifiers: - gitlab - gnome - youtube - email - twitter - instagram - facebook - github - linkedin - telegram - xmpp - pleroma - peertube - matrix - mastodon - phone - rss ## Footer columns You can add various columns of links in the footer using the `data/footer_columns.yml` file. Following is an example configuration: ```yaml - title: My other projects links: - title: HydraPaper link: https://hydrapaper.gabmus.org - title: Ada UI link: https://gitlab.com/gabmus/ada-ui - title: About me links: - title: My personal website link: https://gabmus.org - title: My GitLab link: https://gitlab.com/gabmus - title: My GNOME GitLab link: https://gitlab.gnome.org/gabmus ``` ## Inject custom content Ficurinia supports injecting custom content into the theme. There are several files you can create in `layouts/partials/inject` that will be included inside the theme in different places. | Partial | Placement | |---------|-----------| | `layouts/partials/inject/body.html` | Before closing the `body` tag | | `layouts/partials/inject/content-after.html` | After a post or page content | | `layouts/partials/inject/content-before.html` | Before a post or page content | | `layouts/partials/inject/footer.html` | At the beginning of the footer | | `layouts/partials/inject/head.html` | Before closing the `head` tag | | `layouts/partials/inject/header-after.html` | Before closing the header | | `layouts/partials/inject/header-before.html` | At the beginning of the header | # Does *Ficurinia* mean anything? It's Sicilian for Indian fig, also known as prickly pear cactus.