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<title>Fbi&#39;s Epic Blog | My Journey to Arch Linux</title>
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<h1>My Journey to Arch Linux</h1>
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<time datetime="2022-12-21">Dec 21, 2022</time>
<h2 id="intro">Intro</h2>
<p>Arch Linux is a great distribution. There is zero doubt about that. The syntax of the package manager, the choice by default, and among other things the wiki. But how did I even get to using arch Linux? Well- it was a long history, and that history is super long and complicated.</p>
<h2 id="orginal">How I originally used Linux</h2>
<p>As a child, at age 7, I installed Ubuntu. I actually ended up having the home machine drive entirely wiped with nothing to boot. I even booted &lsquo;chromium&rsquo; os on a school computer. This I somewhat say ruined my Linux experience. As one- the apt package manager makes no sense. Second, Ubuntu wasn&rsquo;t ready. I was big into Roblox, and I still am But again, this exposed me to the world of other operating systems other than the Windows 7, which at the time was the latest Windows version. I quit after it just not making any sense to me at all. Like for real Ubuntu:
Apt feels so bad&hellip; Apt makes no sense and default repos didnt include alot of the stuff I wanted&hellip;</p>
<p>And then I eventually got my own laptop with Windows 10. Which I used for multiple years, and still occasionally use for testing both Linux distributions, however modern Windows 10 is super slow on this computer ( it takes 10 minutes to login to Windows 10 off a cold boot). So this ended for many years</p>
<h2 id="the-second-time-around">The second time around</h2>
<h3 id="reasons-that-brought-me-back">Reasons that brought me back</h3>
<h4 id="covid-year">COVID Year</h4>
<p>2020 brought many things, and a sequence of events really brought me to use some kind of Linux. First that happened was COVID- it gave me a bunch of free time away from school, which I used to learn a bunch of new things, and I started to really put effort in my own hobbies.</p>
<h4 id="youtube">Youtubers</h4>
<p>Secondly was some YouTubers talking about Linux, spefically at the time was <a href="">SomeOrdinaryGamers</a>, which had me messing around with spefically Manjaro, which despite what some people say, is a good distribution to learn some stuff from. I still didnt quite understand what I was fully doing though. I also made a friend and we tried to get some stuff working.</p>
<p>There came <a href=""><strong>Mental Outlaw</strong></a>, which appeared well from the &lsquo;YouTube Algorithm&rsquo;. Which had been a big part of what got me to learn Linux and the philosophy surrounding such as much as I do now.</p>
<h4 id="windows11">Windows 11</h4>
<p>Next came Windows 11, which with it came a new found reason to get away from Windows entirely. Which this was a minor reason. But it really had me set a deadline, I was to fully switch to Linux before Windows 11 dropped, and that I successfully did, I saw the Microsoft ad for Windows 11 and said that was garbage. A year after, I used Windows 11 on a friends computer. I couldn&rsquo;t even play rocket league on it. I&rsquo;m not sure if it is because of the Intel graphics being entitely broken, or Windows 11 being broken. But it was awful. From this i made a comittment to use Linux entirely by the end of year.</p>
<h4 id="grapejuice">Grapejuice AKA The Nail</h4>
<p>Well this is what was preventing me from using Linux. I needed a way to play Roblox on it. Here is the story of how it was fixed AFAIK: a patch was added into wine which fixed getting instantly kicked, that sparked interest from someone who wanted to make it almost a seemless experience. Which formed <a href="">Grapejuice</a>. Which when I was searching for ways to get Roblox working on Linux , I found it. I went and booted manjaro to test. To my surprise it worked just about flawlessly, I could now play Roblox on Linux.</p>
<p>This was really the nail in the coffin, to get me to try everything else that came after this.</p>
<h3 id="actualstory">The Actual story </h3>
<p>This part will be referring quite a bit back to the reasons, and additional information provided before with a helpful link like <a href="#actualstory">this</a>.</p>
<p>So- well it was a combination of these things, and well it was quite honestly a pretty big jump to make, I was gambling.</p>
<h4 id="leadup--initial-testing">Leadup- Initial testing</h4>
<p>Well- I was inspired by <a href="#youtube">Muthar AKA someordinarygamer</a>, that I tried out Manjaro, I kind of liked it, and that was it for a while. I switched back, again because there wasn&rsquo;t a way to get Roblox working at that time. A year later, there was a new thing called &lsquo;Single GPU pass through&rsquo;. I installed Manjaro on my main machine and followed SomeOrdinaryGamers [video](video Here). I failed at it, and gave up on it. I went back to using Windows</p>
<h4 id="second-time-around">Second time around</h4>
<p>But I wasn&rsquo;t done yet, I found a channel called <a href="">Mental Outlaw</a> and said hey that looks cool. Then I saw <a href="#grapejuice">grapejuice</a>, and I was amazed. Exactly what I had been wanting. What what kept me from using at that time. I installed Manjaro onto my main Machine again. This time I tried out Roblox, my mind was blown, it fully works with performance being okish, but most importantly: <strong>IT WORKEDDD</strong>. I could now launch Roblox and play it fully under Wine on Linux. It was honestly amazing to me, roblox had been broken for at least 6 years. As long as I had played Roblox it&rsquo;d been broken. Manjaro now was my daily driver.</p>
<p>I had heard of a channel called [Mental Outlaw](link here) and I saw a video by chance on how to install Arch Linux. Just by this rabbit hole I found some of my favorite Linux content creators, including but not limited to: <a href="">Distro Tube</a>, <a href="">Brodie Robertson</a>, and <a href="">Mental Outlaw</a>. I was now invested into this.</p>
<h4 id="testing-arch-linux">Testing Arch Linux</h4>
<p>Well, I made a commitment when Windows 11 first was announced i made a commitment to switch entirely to Linux, for that see <a href="#windows11">here</a>. For that i did succeed with, I entirely cut it out. I again now knowing about Arch Linux, wanted it. I installed Manjaro on my main machine, I said to myself as a temporary condition, until I can install Arch Linux.</p>
<p>That was to be soon, but I had another machine that had been collecting dust for about half a decade, as my Ubuntu endeavors had ended not great. It was time</p>
<h4 id="i-virtualized-a-arch-linux-install">I virtualized a arch Linux install</h4>
<p>Well- I knew Virtualbox was a thing&hellip; Because I knew that an Archlinux install would be long and honestly arch install guide&hellip;. You kind of suck with all the redirects. But I installed In a VM. I was now going to try to deploy on hardware&hellip; Turns out I had a piece of hardware no one cared about&hellip; A relic of my <a href="#orginal">original endeavours</a></p>
<h4 id="i-installed-arch-on-my-other-computer">I installed Arch on my other computer</h4>
<p>I realized I had a relic of my previous experience, an old PC that everyone thought was dead anyhow, I remembered it, I hooked it up to a old VGA monitor, and got a USB stick, and stuck it in there (dang, i could&rsquo;ve had the chance to plop in a CD and burn archlinux ISO on it). Then got into the Archlinux screen. Installed it- I literally had to pull up a video on a phone to do this also (Like this was not an optimal way to install Arch)</p>
<p>It took a bit to configure an Xorg environment, at the time startx was still kind of the &ldquo;standard&rdquo;, so i used that with DWM. I configured everything how i wanted it to be. It was amazing&hellip;</p>
<h4 id="manjaro-again">Manjaro (Again)</h4>
<p>By some point- I had installed Manjaro on my main PC- while I was messing with Arch Linux on the other computer. To try to do single GPU passthrough, but that hadn&rsquo;t gone very well. But since Windows 11 released, I made a commitment that I had to keep.</p>
<h4 id="i-tried-arch-on-my-main-computer">I tried Arch on my main computer</h4>
<p>After loads of tinkering on my alternate machine- i determined i was ready to install Arch Linux on my main machine: Remeber at this point there wasn&rsquo;t any &ldquo;Archinstall&rdquo; script bundled with arch. I followed <a href="">Mental Outlaws</a> Video. I had gotten it installed. I was ready to install DWM- but one major roadblock layed there.</p>
<h3 id="nvidia-drivers"><strong>NVIDIA DRIVERS</strong></h3>
<p><strong>Yep- the one and only killer of dreams</strong>. I had known from using Manjaro that NVIDIA is kinda broken&hellip; but i didn&rsquo;t expect what was to come. I eventually fully read through NVIDIAS Xorg Documentation. To fix this i had ran:</p>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>nvidia-xconfig --prime
</code></pre><p>Remember: I am on a laptop. So NVIDIA Prime is kind of not fully working, it is much better now than what it was right before. Specifically because <code>nvidia-xconfig</code> is now known to me.</p>
<p>After I got through that- It was basically free-sailing.</p>
<p>Lots of terminal and compiling due to DWM. But it was entirely worth it to bring the knowledge that I got from it.</p>
<h2 id="how-this-has-changed-me">How this has changed me</h2>
<p>Arch Linux really brought me to love Linux, and to really start messing with it. It really brought me to the user I am today. This brought me to learn how a system works. To learn how to even script.</p>
<h2 id="issues-ive-encountered">Issues I&rsquo;ve encountered</h2>
<p>All of these issues haven&rsquo;t been specifically with Arch Linux. Each of these issues originated from some way either externally from a bug, or with me doing something wrong.</p>
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