This seperates the two HTML fetches to fetch-sql.php and fetch-json.php, this even means I could use both, or even provide an option to select between the submisson types. I think that however would be too much for me to maintain, so I will only use one or another. I do want to work on the datatype, and using .ini configuration for SQL and for selecting the datatype by default. If there are optimzations I can make to my SQL querys, I will try to implment those, however I know of none such optimzations.
This adds many comments to submit-sql.php file (previously restore.php), and renames the file, this is the start of this, and thus pulling from the SQL database is not yet supported. I also do not have checking for duplicates, but I feel like that could be done in-database. This is currently using a development SQLite database, and will eventually use postgresql. I need to find out a way to obscure credentials to PostgreSQL, maybe loading it from a ignored file, which would be git ignored? The SQL Implmentation is not production-ready, and also I need to figure out a better solution when switching from JSON TO SQL, as I plan to support both in this project. There needs to be alot of refactoring done in the submisson code, as this is just a *really* early draft.