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Developing hugo-theme-readable
Adding your fork as an additional Git remote to a hugo-theme-readable Git submodule
The easiest way to test your changes is with an existing Hugo website that already uses this theme. You can use your own or checkout the starter template.
The following steps show you how to add your fork as an additional Git remote to the checked out Git submodule.
This way you can work with the hugo-theme-readable code directly, rather than experimenting in your own 'layouts' directory and copying code pieces around.
# If you haven't done so: init and update the submodule. This will populate themes/readable.
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd themes/readable/
# Add your fork as the remote 'fork'.
git remote add fork git@github.com:<your-username>/hugo-theme-readable.git
# Create a new branch.
git checkout -b my-change
# Make your changes directly to files in themes/readable.
# Anytime you want to push, replace the default 'origin' with 'fork', e.g.
# push your work on 'my-change' as a new branch to your fork.
git push -u fork my-change