
11 KiB



A prickly blog theme for Hugo


Code for the demo website (really my personal website)

Screenshot gallery showcasing 256 of the possible configurations that Ficurinia offers.



These are some parameters you can use in your config.toml to customize Ficurinia:

baseURL = ""
theme = "hugo-ficurinia"
title = "My nice blog"
languageCode = "en"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"

# this will be included in the footer after the current year the site is last
# built, followed by the (c) symbol
# you can use markdown inside this field
copyright = "Some copyright notice - [my license]("

paginate = 5  # number of articles per page in the index
summaryLength = 70  # number of words for article summaries

    author = "Gabriele Musco"
    description = "A description for my website"  # this will be added as metadata

    posts = "posts"  # content directory where to find home page posts; default searches in "posts" and "post"
    showPostsLink = true  # show or hide the link to the simple post list
    extraContentDirs = []  # other content directories to render similarly to the home page
    showcaseDir = "showcase"  # create a content directory that shows a special showcase section in the home page

    # It's best to put these icons in the "static" folder of your site
    logo = "/logo.svg"
    favicon = "/favicon.png"  # 32x32
    faviconIco = "/favicon.ico"  # 32x32
    appletouch = "/apple-touch-icon.png"  # 180x180
    svgicon = "/logo.svg"
    icon512 = "/icon512.png"  # 512x512 png image

    showTags = true  # show the Tags menu item; default true
    showRss = true  # show the link for the RSS feed; default true

    imageInArticlePreview = false  # show images in article preview; default false
    fitImageInArticlePreview = false  # make article preview images fit the article preview instead of getting cropped
    articleSummary = true  # show a summary in article preview; default true

    navtype = "standard"  # changes the style of the pagination, available styles are: "standard", "circles"

    enableShadow = false
    fontFamily = "JetBrains Mono"  # changes the font, default "JetBrains Mono"
    titleFontFamily = "JetBrains Mono"  # font used for titles and headings
    monospaceFontFamily = "JetBrains Mono"  # changes the monospace font for code, default "JetBrains Mono"

    # multipliers applied to font sizes, useful for custom fonts that may be too big or too small
    titleFontSizeMultiplier = 1.0
    mainFontSizeMultiplier = 1.0
    monoFontSizeMultiplier = 1.0

    contentWidth = "1000px"  # maximum width of the site content, css syntax

    discreteCards = false  # enable discrete card style; default false
    discreteTags = false  # enable discrete tag style; default false
    tagsInArticlePreview = true  # enable tags list in the article preview card
    gridView = false  # show post list as a grid. goes well with discreteCards
    bigArticleTitle = false  # makes the title in the single article view bigger

    enableSearch = true  # enable search page
    searchbarEverywhere = true  # if the searchbar should be shown in every page; requires enableSearch
    searchMenuLink = false  # add a search link to the navigation menu; requires enableSearch
    mobileHamburgerNav = false  # alternative hamburger menu layout for the main nav menu when screen is small

    enableFeatured = false  # enable a particular view for articles marked as featured (featured: true in the article frontmatter)

    underlineTitleLinks = false  # show an underline also for links that are titles

    # enable comments support with commento using the script from your server
    commento = ""

    # enable comments support with cactus comments (
    cactusCommentsSiteName = ""
    cactusCommentsServerName = ""
    cactusCommentsHomeserver = ""

    # enable analytics using Plausible
    plausibleScriptUrl = ""
    plausibleDomain = ""

    enableShareOnFediverse = false  # enable a button at the end of an article to share it on the fediverse

    # WARNING: deprecated! Use [[menu.icons]] instead, look below
    # links = [
    #     ["GitLab", ""],
    #     ["GNOME", ""],
    #     ["YouTube", ""]
    # ]

    # you can customize all of the colors in this theme
    # Colors are defined in data/colors.yml

    # alternative sidebar layout
    enableSidebarLayout = false
    tocInSidebar = false  # if the sidebar is enbabled, show the TOC in the sidebar

    # redirect to baseURL if current URL host doesn't match
    # useful if deploying in gitlab pages with custom domain and don't want
    # the url to persist
    # this requires you to set baseURL (see above)
    forceRedirect = false

    infiniteScrolling = false  # activates infinite scrolling instead of regular pagination
    enableFooterColumns = false  # activates footer columns, as described below
    enableJumbotron = false  # enables jumbotron, as described below
    # related articles will be selected randomly based on tags and shown at
    # the bottom of the article, after the comments
    enableRelatedArticles = false
    relatedArticlesNum = 2  # how many related articles to show
    randomRelated = false  # sorts related articles in random order (randomized at built time)

    # these links will be added to the main navigation menu, sorted by weight
    # other elements in this menu are added automatically from the "pages" folder
    # the folder it will look into can be customized with the pages variable
    # in params above
        identifier = "about"
        name = "About"
        url = "/about/"
        weight = 10
    # these links (menu.icons) will be added as icon links below the main nav
        identifier = "gitlab"
        name = "GitLab"
        url = ""
        weight = 10
        identifier = "gnome"
        name = "GNOME GitLab"
        url = ""
        weight = 20

# this section is necessary if you want infinite scrolling
# it allows to output the article list as paged JSON so that "pages" can be retrieved via javascript
    home = ["HTML", "JSON"]

Supported icons

For the [[menu.icons]] menu. They match identifier, name and url can be whatever. Here's a list of supported identifiers:

  • email
  • facebook
  • github
  • gitlab
  • gnome
  • instagram
  • linkedin
  • mastodon
  • matrix
  • peertube
  • phone
  • pleroma
  • rss
  • steam
  • telegram
  • twitter
  • xmpp
  • youtube


Colors are completely customizable. They are defined in data/colors.yml. Just copy that file over to yoursite/data/colors.yml and customize it to your liking.

You can add various columns of links in the footer using the data/footer_columns.yml file.

Following is an example configuration:

- title: My other projects
    - title: HydraPaper
    - title: Ada UI
- title: About me
    - title: My personal website
    - title: My GitLab
    - title: My GNOME GitLab


You can add a jumbotron at the beginning of the home page using the data/jumbotron.yml file.

Following is an example configuration:

title: My awesome website
hugeTitle: false
subtitle: Some fancy subtitle
image: /jumbotron_image.svg
imagePosition: left  # values: left, right, top, bottom
background: /img/jumbotron_bg.png
backgroundVideo: /jumbotron_video.mp4  # will replace the background image
# it's best to provide both an mp4 and a web source for the video for better compatibility
backgroundVideoMp4: /jumbotron_video.mp4
backgroundVideoWebm: /jumbotron_video.webm
videoOpacity: 1.0
textShadow: false
fullscreen: false
downArrow: false
whiteText: false  # force white text in the jumbotron
  - title: About me
    link: /pages/about
  - title: Read my blog
    link: /posts

Post parameters

Every post can have various parameters in the frontmatter, here are some that you may find useful

  • title: the title of the article
  • date: usually automatically populated, holds the date and time of the post creation
  • description: a brief description of the post, useful for SEO optimization
  • tags: an array of tags, useful for searching similar articles
  • image: a link to a feature image for the article, shown in the preview as well
  • featured: boolean, indicate if the post should be shown as featured
  • comments: boolean, if true it enables comments for the current post, if false it disables them (default is true)
  • showDate: boolean, true by default, if false hides the date. Useful for non-article pages where the date isn't important
  • norss: boolean, if set to true the page will be skipped in the rss feed
  • nosearch: boolean, if set to true the page won't show up in searches
  • toc: boolean, if set to true a table of contents will be shown for the article

Table of contents settings

You can tweak the TOC settings in your config.toml:

    endLevel = 5
    ordered = false
    startLevel = 1

Generate icons

It's best to use the provided script to generate all necessary icons for your website. This script requires ImageMagick, that you will need to install separately.

For the best results, place your logo in svg format inside the static directory of your website, rename it to logo.svg and then call ./themes/hugo-ficurinia/ static/logo.svg.

The script will take care of generating all the icons you need.

Finally, make sure to edit your config.toml to include the following:

# ...
    logo = "/logo.svg"
    favicon = "/favicon.png"
    faviconIco = "/favicon.ico"
    appletouch = "/apple-touch-icon.png"
    svgicon = "/logo.svg"
    # ...

Inject custom content

Ficurinia supports injecting custom content into the theme. There are several files you can create in layouts/partials/inject that will be included inside the theme in different places.

Partial Placement
layouts/partials/inject/body.html Before closing the body tag
layouts/partials/inject/content-after.html After a post or page content
layouts/partials/inject/content-before.html Before a post or page content
layouts/partials/inject/footer.html At the beginning of the footer
layouts/partials/inject/head.html Before closing the head tag
layouts/partials/inject/header-after.html Before closing the header
layouts/partials/inject/header-before.html At the beginning of the header

Does Ficurinia mean anything?

It's Sicilian for Indian fig, also known as prickly pear cactus.